T: 01993 702392 / E: office@thebattschool.org.uk

Chair of Governors:

Mr Jeremy Lasman


The Clerk is the main point of contact for the governors and attends all Joint Local Governing Body committee meetings.  If you need to contact the school governors please email Tracey Mills (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).


The role of the Joint Local Governing Body at The Batt Church of England Primary School and St Mary's Church of England Infant School


The over-arching aim of all school governors is to ensure that pupils in the school they support can achieve to the best of their ability. For The Batt CE Primary and St Mary's CE Infant Schools, the formal legal framework that applies for governors seeking to achieve this aim is the Scheme of Delegation between Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust (ODST), a Multi Academy Trust (MAT), and the School.

ODST sets the ethos for all the MAT’s member schools, and has ultimate responsibility for business planning, monitoring of budgets, performance management, the setting of standards and the implementation of quality management processes. ODST delegates much of the daily operational responsibility to the Executive Head, and much of the daily oversight and monitoring to the Joint Local Governing Body. 

The Joint Local Governing Body (JLGB) has three core functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its
    pupils, and for the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 

At The Batt Church of England School and St Mary's Church of England Infant School, the JLGB has a three-year Strategic Plan, approves the annual budget, and works with the Executive Headteacher to develop an annual Schools Development Plan, which it then monitors. It considers and approves many policies which set out the framework within which the Schools operate. The LGB also has ultimate responsibility for Safeguarding, Prevent, Health & Safety, and Equality matters.

Please click on the links below for more information:

click here to view our Joint LGB and Committee Membership 2022-2023 (awaiting update)

Click here to view our Joint LGB  2022-2023 Pecuniary Interests and Attendance

 Click here to view our Governor Meeting Dates 2022-2023

 Click here to view our Batt Governor Recruitment and Re-appointment Policy (awaiting update)

"I was allowed to watch Wales play in the Rugby World Cup at school!"