T: 01993 702392 / E: office@thebattschool.org.uk

Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A highquality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music, allowing them to compose, and to listen with discrimination to the best in the musical canon.

National Curriculum 2013

Music at The Batt

Our vision is that every child leaves The Batt School with a love and enjoyment of Music.

The sense of well-being and confidence that a child can gain through shared involvement in Music cannot be over-estimated and it is our hope that the interest and enjoyment ignited at The Batt School will last a lifetime.

Exploration - Children are encouraged to listen, respond to, and participate in a wide variety of musical activities.

Co-operation - This is an integral part of all shared music-making whether sharing musical instruments during composition activities or performing in a choir or instrumental ensemble.

Communication - Music is a universal language which can reach all children regardless of academic ability.

Innovation - This is so important as children experiment and share ideas in their music-making often responding in new ways e.g. drama or art work inspired by listening to a piece of music.

There are many extra-curricular musical opportunities on offer including instrumental lessons, choirs and recorder groups. Children love to sing and there is a strong tradition of singing throughout the school. We are a Platinum Sing Up Award winning school.

Click here to view our Curriculum Statement for Music

Our music curriculum is informed by Music Express, which ensures music lessons are well planned and allow for children to build knowledge and skills progressively as well as providing resources through an online platform.

Click here to view our Music Curriculum Plan

"I was allowed to watch Wales play in the Rugby World Cup at school!"