A Developing Partnership
In our partnership with St Mary's CE Infant School, our Executive Headteacher is working to these three priorities:
- Improving outcomes for children by addressing any weaknesses in teaching and learning and developing the curriculum across both schools, to ensure clarity of vision, coherent and progressively sequenced learning and consistency in implementation.
- Ensuring an improved working partnership between The Batt and St Mary’s to support effective transition, equity of educational offer and sharing of expertise, alongside ensuring both schools become outward looking, making the best of local and Trust schol partnerships.
- Improving operational efficiency - both to improve systems and processes and ensure value for money.
In 2023-2024 the Joint Schools Development Plan for The Batt and St Mary's Infants covers these strategic areas: 
- Further developing curriculum alignment between the two schools - sharing goodcurriculum practice and expertise ensure parity inquality and continuity in learning for all our children.
- Improving in teaching and learning - to ensure learning 'sticks' and children remember more over time
- Ensuring effective professional development for staff - always focussing on getting better so as to improving outcomes for children
- Improving provision for vulnerable learners - in line with our belief that there is no ceiling on what can be achieved by our children
- Embedding school vision and values - because values education (grounded in Christian belief) will enable our children to flourish in all areas of life
Click to view our full Joint Schools Development Plan.
Safeguarding remains an on-going priority at both St Mary’s CE Infant School and The Batt CE Primary School. In support of maintaining robust and highly effective standards and procedures both schools:
- Work to the ODST Safeguarding Standard expectations
- Complete annual Safeguarding Audits for the LA - producing an action plan as a result
- Have a named and appropriately trained Governors with responsibility for Safeguarding who regularly visit the school they have responsibility for to meet with the DSL and
- Robustly monitor safeguarding procedures