T: 01993 702392 / E: office@thebattschool.org.uk
Although RE is statutory, it justifies its place in the curriculum on purely educational grounds. It is the opportunity to explore a major and distinctive dimension of what it means to be a person: the search for meaning and value in a wondrous but also often confusing and sometimes threatening world. It offers pupils: the chance to raise and reflect on perennial questions about life; insights into the development of different human cultures. In doing this, RE draws on the major religious traditions in Britain, giving due prominence to Christianity to reflect the fact that these traditions are in the main Christian, whilst taking account of the other principal world religions, and non‐religious beliefs that may form the family background of many children in our schools.
Challenging RE The Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2023
Religious Education at The Batt
Exploration - in RE lessons children will have the opportunity to explore
Co-operation - we seek to develop the children's desire and abilities to co-operate with others by:
Communication - we develop communication skills by
Innovation - in RE we work to
We follow Challenging RE - The Oxfordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2023
Our scheme of work meets the locally agreed syllabus and is based on content from both the ODBE scheme of work for RE and Understanding Christianity.
Click here to view our Curriculum Statement for Religious Education
Click here to view our Religious Education Curriculum Plan
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from RE lessons or parts of it and should talk to the Executive Headteacher if this is their intention. Whilst we respect this right, we hope parents can see our curriculum does not promote or encourage a certain set of beliefs and contributes to children’s development in many valuable ways.
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