T: 01993 702392 / E: office@thebattschool.org.uk

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

National Curriculum 2013

Maths at The Batt

Co-operation - Through a mastery approach, children work together to achieve the learning outcomes. They support each other through the use of group and paired work, mathematical oracy, verbal reasoning and by challenging each other's thinking.

Communication - Children communicate their mathematical reasoning through verbal explanations, stem sentences and dual coding. They use an increasingly complex range of vocabulary to articulate their understanding and to explore their learning journey. 

Exploration - Through the CPA approach, children explore the relationships between numbers, patterns and operations. They explore the efficiency of calculation methods and enjoy finding solutions to complex, real life mathematical problems. 

Innovation - Through the mastery approach, children are given the opportunity to develop their mathematical thinking and make innovative connections between prior learning and new knowledge. This allows them to develop and embed a secure understanding throughout their learning journey.

Our Vision

At The Batt C of E School, we encourage children to love the adventure of learning mathematics. We believe that mathematics is essential for everyone in daily life and through effective teaching and a high-quality, consistent curriculum, all children can achieve. We believe that all children can be successful in mathematics and foster a positive ‘can do’ attitude towards the subject. 

Click here to read our Maths Policy.

Click here to read our Maths Curriculum document.

Click here to find Useful Maths Links for Parents.


Our Mastery Approach 

We aim for all pupils to become masters of mathematics. Mastering mathematics means pupils acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of mathematical concepts. Achieving mastery means pupils acquire a solid understanding of the mathematics being taught which enables them to move onto more advanced material (NCETM, 2022). 

Every lesson is carefully sequenced through a series of small steps and are delivered using the CPA approach. This allows for progression from the children’s prior learning, so that new concepts can be mastered. Children experience a wide range of high-quality reasoning and problem-solving opportunities and are encouraged to discuss their ideas and challenge each other’s mathematical thinking. Mathematical topics are covered in blocks to enable a ‘deep’ understanding and ensure that children have mastered the necessary foundations before advancing on to more challenging concepts. 

Children who have mastered a mathematical concept will be able to: 

Children who have developed mastery to a greater depth will be able to: 

  • Describe it in their own words 
  • Represent it in a variety of ways 
  • Explain it to someone else/be the teacher 
  • Create their own examples 
  • See and explain connections between facts 
  • Recognise concepts in new situations or contexts 
  • Use the concept in new contexts 
  • Solve problems to greater complexity (where the approach has no obvious answer) 
  • Demonstrate creativity and imagination when tackling mathematical investigations 
  • Explore and investigate mathematical contexts and     structures, communicating results clearly, explaining and generalising the mathematics. 

The  National Curriculum 

We use the White Rose Mathematics Scheme to structure the progression of learning and ensure the three aims of the National Curriculum are met. The aims are:  


Children are encouraged to:  
  • Develop a strong sense of number through exposure to different methods of calculation, supported by the use of practical manipulatives. 
  • Develop number sense 
  • Make connections between new and prior learning 
  • Recall number facts efficiently from their long term memory. 
  • Use mathematical vocabulary accurately 


Children are encouraged to: 
  • Explain their understanding using dual-coding theory 
  • Develop their reasoning skills using sentence stems and accurate vocabulary. 
  • Explain connections between different areas of learning. 
  • Explain and prove the efficiency of procedural methods 

Problem solving 

Children are encouraged to: 
  • Develop a strong conceptual understanding which allows them to solve problems, explore and investigate key ideas. 
  • Apply mathematical concepts in different contexts 

Lesson Structure 

Mathematics lessons are delivered using a lesson structure which ensures a consistent approach across all year groups. The lesson structure is heavily influenced by modern, evidence-based research and ensures children are given the opportunity to revise prior learning, make connections to new learning, practice fluency skills and master these skills through reasoning and problem-solving challenges. 


In the Early Years, we have developed a personalised scheme of learning using the National Centre for the Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) progression charts. This scheme allows children to progress through the Early learning goals and encourages ‘small numbers but big thinking’ (Crook, 2021). Our curriculum ensures children develop a secure knowledge and understanding of the 6 early concepts of mathematics: Cardinality and Counting, Comparison, Composition, Pattern, Shape and Space and Measures. 

“I really like my school as I have lots of friends and we always have fun at playtime on the trim trail. My Teacher and TAs are kind and help me to read and spell better. I like PE especially when we play dodgeball. I like everything about my school.”