T: 01993 702392 / E: office@thebattschool.org.uk

Term Dates

Term Dates 2024/2025

Term Dates 2025/2026

Please see the calendar on our Homepage for other relevant dates.

Our School Day

Please note changes to start and end of the school day from September 2024. This is in line with changes in our partnership with St Mary's Infant School. You can find out more about this here.

Morning Drop Off

The school gates are opened at 8.40am and children are expected to be in class for registration by 8.50am. We ask all parents to ensure their child arrives in school on time and is well prepared for the school day.

Collective Worship

The children participate in a daily act of collective worship, which reflects our Christian character, although parents have the option to withdraw their child should they so wish. We are supported in delivering collective worship by the team at St Mary's Chruch, Witney.


If a child arrives at school after 8.50am, they are registered as 'late'. Children arriving after 9.15am are marked absent for the morning session.


Lunchtime is from 12.00 until 1.00pm. Children can have a hot school meal (this is provided free to children in reception and KS1) or bring a packed lunch from home. Please contact theschool office for details on how to order school meals for your child.

Pick Up

The school day ends at 3.20pm. At the end of the day, the school gate is opened at 3.10pm and parents wait for their children on the school playground. If normal arrangements have to be altered e.g. parents are delayed or arrangements have been for another person to collect a child, please let your child's class teacher or the school office know.


For those families that live in Witney, walking to and from school is definitely the best option! There are lots of benefits; it's healthier than travelling by car, it improves the safety of pedestrians and road-users and it respects nearby residents and parking regulations. Alternatively, there are bike-racks where children can store their scooters and bikes safely during the school day. If you do need to travel by car, please always park with consideration for Witney residents.

You read our full Start and End of Day Procedures here.

Our School Week

Our children attend school for 6.5 hours a day, meeting the Department for Education expectation that schools offer a minimum core week of 32.5 hours.

“I enjoy discussions and we respect different opinions.”